это что вообще?
Notice: Use of undefined constant nic - assumed 'nic' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 96
Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 97
Notice: Use of undefined constant phone - assumed 'phone' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 98
Notice: Use of undefined constant email - assumed 'email' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 99
Notice: Use of undefined constant nic - assumed 'nic' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 101
Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 102
Notice: Use of undefined constant phone - assumed 'phone' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 103
Notice: Use of undefined constant email - assumed 'email' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 104
Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 120
Notice: Use of undefined constant color - assumed 'color' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 121
Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 122
Notice: Use of undefined constant color - assumed 'color' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 123
Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 124
Notice: Use of undefined constant color - assumed 'color' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 125
Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 126
Notice: Use of undefined constant color - assumed 'color' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 127
Notice: Use of undefined constant name - assumed 'name' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 128
Notice: Use of undefined constant color - assumed 'color' in /www/www.4x4typ.ru/htdocs/engine/config.php on line 129